Small Businesses
- There are approximately 5,225 small businesses in the South LA Promise Zone as of 2022
- A large number of small businesses are clustered in the northeast corner of the South LA Promise Zone (close to Downtown Los Angeles)
Active Businesses (of Any Size)
- There are 20,783 active businesses registered with the City of Los Angeles in the South LA Promise Zone that were open for at least half of 2023.
- Over the last decade, the number of active businesses in the South LA Promise Zone has increased by over 4,000 businesses.
Contractor Licenses
- Over the last decade, the number of people in the South LA Promise Zone acquiring licenses in Automotive Repairs, Construction/Contracting, Barbering & Cosmetology, and Security & Investigative Services has been increasing
- Between 2019 and 2022, over 3,165 people acquired Security & Investigative Licenses, far more than any other license type.
- In 2022, 46 people acquired a license for Construction/Contractors, nearly twice as many as the previous year.