Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Job Placements
Between January 2016 and June 2024, CalJOBS recorded 5,007 adults and/or dislocated workers who received a job through WIOA at Worksource Centers in South LA Promise Zone zip codes
Between January 2016 and June 2024, CalJOBS recorded 613 youth (ages 16-24) who received a job through WIOA at YouthSource Centers in South LA Promise Zone zip codes
Sector-Based Job Placements
Between 2016-2023, there were over 3,800 sector-based job placements through various workforce programs.
Over 3,200 were in construction, 371 were in healthcare, and 215 were targeted local hires.
HireLA Youth Enrollments
Between January 2017 and June 2024, CalJOBS recorded 4,248 youth (ages 14-24) who were enrolled in a Hire LA Youth Work Experience placement at a YouthSource Center in South LA Promise Zone zip codes.