Community Facts

10% of South LA Promise Zone residents were unemployed in 2022, compared to 8% of residents across LA City and 7% of residents across LA County.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

168,100 South LA Promise Zone residents are of working age (between the ages of 15 and 64).

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

54% of South LA Promise Zone residents were living below 200% of the Federal Poverty Threshold in 2022, down from 72% of residents in 2014.

Source: American Community Survey 5-year estimates

17% of South LA Promise Zone residents over the age of 25 have a bachelor’s degree or higher, less than half the citywide rate.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

5% of South LA Promise Zone residents over the age of 25 have an associate’s degree compared to 6% of residents citywide.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

41% of South LA Promise Zone residents over the age of 25 don’t have a high school diploma, nearly double the citywide rate.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates

The median wage for a South LA Promise Zone resident is $30,700 per year compared to the citywide median wage of $46,200 per year.

Source: 2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates



At SLATE-Z, we address poverty and move South Los Angeles residents to economic opportunity by focusing on two sources of wealth building: living wage jobs and small business & entrepreneurship.

As our nation enters the new climate resilient economy, SLATE-Z works to ensure that South Los Angeles residents are trained/prepared for the economic opportunities ahead and that the high-quality jobs that will result from these investments are ones that can foster economic opportunity, stability, and mobility for South Los Angeles families.

SLATE-Z’s Jobs efforts are interrelated with its other levers of change: transit, education, public safety, and small business and entrepreneurship.


Move South Los Angeles residents into 10,000 living wage jobs

  • Build, strengthen, and institutionalize sector pathways in Green Jobs, Transportation, Early Care/Education, and BioTech
  • Increase pipeline opportunities for targeted local hire programs, including pre-civil service sector and local hire for nonprofits
  • Strengthen the capacity of workforce development systems to help serve vulnerable populations

Projects & Initiatives

Local Hire for Lucas Museum Construction

Since breaking ground on the museum’s 11-acre campus in Exposition Park in March 2018, the privately-funded project has employed 1,477 construction workers throughout various phases of construction. The project has partnered on recruitment efforts with SLATE-Z to ensure that jobs are going to South Los Angeles residents.

Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF)

CERF was created to promote a sustainable and equitable recovery from the economic distress of COVID-19 by supporting new plans and strategies to diversify local economies and develop sustainable industries that create high-quality, broadly accessible jobs for all Californians. The Los Angeles Coalition of CERF, over 200 organizations including SLATE-Z, will prioritize accessible, high-quality jobs in sustainable industries.

Foster Youth Resource Fair

To support the approximately 50 youth in foster care who were both connected to the SLATE-Z area and would be aging out of the system by the end of 2021, SLATE-Z’s Foster Youth Subcommittee hosted a resource fair held on the campus of Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC). The event brought together workforce development, housing, legal assistance, and other resources to South Los Angeles foster youth. 

Measuring Need & Success

Explore key takeaways  in Jobs data, browse the featured dataset, and see  all the data and sources being used to measure need and success in this lever of change.

Key Takeaways

Job Placements
workers were placed in jobs through various workforce programs in the South LA Promise Zone between January 2016 and June 2024

Featured Dataset

View All Data & Sources

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Job Placements

The number of adults/dislocated workers and youth who received a job through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) at Worksource Centers in South LA Promise Zone zip codes, as reported in the CalJOBS system in each year between January 2016 and June 2024

Sector-Based Job Placements

The number of job placements through various sector-based programs in South LA Promise Zone zip codes in each year between 2016 and 2019

Hire LA Youth Work Experience Placements

The number of youth (betwen the ages of 14 and 24) who were enrolled in the Hire LA Youth program at YouthSource Centers in South LA Promise Zone zip codes, as reported in the CalJOBS system in each year between January 2017 and June 2024